Mrs. Pazienza's ceramics class created bowls for the Empty Bowls in Troy. Empty Bowls is a local organization that raises money for local charities. See links for more information.
Carefully molding clay to create a unique bowl in art class, Maple Hill High School senior Mary Hadden explained the piece she was creating would help raise money for those in need.
“I like working with my hands,” Mary noted. “We’ll let these dry and then kiln dry them and glaze them. Then they’ll go to Empty Bowls in Troy to help others.”
Mary and her classmates in art teacher Suzanne Pazienza’s class have worked in recent weeks to create bowls for Empty Bowls, an event in Troy that raises money for local organizations.
The bowls will be donated, along with hundreds of others created by local schools and artists, to the event scheduled for Sunday, October 3 from noon to 3:00 p.m. at the Italian American Community Center on Fifth Avenue.
At the 6th Annual Empty Bowls event, attendees will purchase one of the handcrafted bowls for $10. Local restaurants will then serve soup, stew or chowder in the bowls which attendees get to keep. All proceeds benefit organizations such as Joseph’s House, St. Mary’s Food Pantry and Troy Larger Parish Food Pantry.
In art class, students formed their bowls around molds and then added unique touches to each by using various techniques they learned. Senior Stephanie Muller, for example, used a paint brush and water to smooth her bowl's edges into layered leaves that resembled a flower.
Ms. Pazienza explained that when she heard about the event, she thought it would be a good way for her students to use the clay molding techniques they’ve learned in art class to create works that will help local charities.
“The Empty Bowls concept started nearly 20 years ago by a Michigan art teacher who’s students wanted to do something specific to address hunger issues,” Ms. Pazienza explained to her students. “Similar events are held nationwide in order to raise money and awareness about hunger.”